Donating to Non-Profits in Tarrant County: Resources to Make the Most of Your Donations

Your generous donations can make a huge impact on the lives of those in need in Tarrant County. Charitable organizations such as the United Way of Tarrant County, the MHMR Foundation, and GRACE provide essential services and programs to those in need. The MHMR Foundation is a 501 (c), 3 nonprofit organization and all donations are tax deductible. GRACE offers food, shelter, clothing, medical assistance, and other emergency aid to people in need throughout North Tarrant County.

The nonprofit relief agency provides programs for children, transitional housing, services for the elderly, life skills training, case management, referrals, and other services that promote self-sufficiency. GRACE's services and programs are fully funded by the generosity of the communities it serves. United Way Tarrant County and DonateStock help their supporters make the most of tax-advantaged stock donations. Your support provides the United Way of Tarrant County with the financial security needed to respond to crises, serve new populations, and innovate with new solutions to deeper challenges. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recognizes United Way of Tarrant County as a public charity under Section 501 (c).

United Way of Tarrant County does not charge fees for donor designations, and 100 percent of donations go to the selected agency or cause. Communities In Schools of Greater Tarrant County partners with more than 80 local service agencies to bring their resources to schools. Located in Grapevine, GRACE is a nonprofit relief agency that serves people in northeastern Tarrant County who need food, clothing, and other essential items. Donations to the MHMR Foundation can be significant and lasting gifts in memory or in honor of a loved one, or carefully planned gifts. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, 25% of households in Tarrant County were just one crisis away from joining 11.9% of families already living in poverty. Your gift will help provide vital resources to those in need throughout the county.

Through generous donations from businesses, foundations, and individuals, United Way of Tarrant County can provide community support to overcome these barriers. The funds help military service members return to civilian life in the Tarrant County area through services such as counseling, career and financial counseling, addiction treatment, and other high-priority needs. Are you looking for ways to manage your donations to non-profit organizations in Tarrant County? There are several resources available that can help you make the most out of your donations. United Way Tarrant County and DonateStock offer tax-advantaged stock donations that provide financial security for United Way of Tarrant County. Communities In Schools of Greater Tarrant County partners with more than 80 local service agencies to bring their resources to schools.

GRACE is a nonprofit relief agency that serves people in northeastern Tarrant County who need food, clothing, and other essential items. Your donation can make a real difference in the lives of those in need throughout Tarrant County. By donating today to charitable organizations such as United Way of Tarrant County and GRACE you can help provide vital resources for those who need it most.

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